Flight Simulators have existed - in ever more complex forms - since before World War I. This section of the FSG site aims to provide something of the history of flight simulators in both textual and pictorial form. If you have any photographs or other information you feel would contribute to this area of the site and that you would be willing to allow to be scanned and used here, please email them to the FSG Webmaster.

Zero Flight Time - The Beginning

This is an article, by Captain W.P. Moran, Director of Training at American Airlines in the early 1970's. Capt. Moran is recognized as the person who began the process to get the FAA to realize that traditional methods for training transport pilots was unsafe and ineffective. Article kindly supplied by Joe dePaola, former Simulator Manager at American Airlines.

RAeS FSG History: Some Early Memories

This is an account , written by Dr John Rolfe, of the early years of flight simulation at the Society.

The Cambridge Cockpit

This is the transcript of an article by Dr John Rolfe of the Society giving some fascinating background to some of the early developments in the field of flight simulation in Great Britain.

Twenty Five Years of Flight Simulation

The transcript of a lecture by Dr John Rolfe, given at the Society during the 1996 Spring Conference, outlining the Flight Simulation Group's achievements since its inception in 1971.

Image Gallery

From the earliest days to the present, view simulation images

Flight Simulation at RAE Bedford (Coming soon)
Information about how the Royal Aircrat Establishment has been involved in Flight Simulation activities over the years.


Ian Strachan's Flight Simulation Cueing Paper, September 2019 Edition.

Ian Strachan's Flight Simulation Cueing Paper Annexes, September 2017 Edition.